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Riding the Winds and Waves, Forging Ahead. —FLYCDI's 2024 Team Building Trip in Shanwei.


Mark the FLYCDI Shanwei Team Building Event in April 2024.

One of life's happiest moments 

is having companions who share your aspirations. 

Together, we march towards our goals, 

forging ahead with light and determination.


The spring drizzle nourishes everything,

and beckons the ambitious FLYCDI team,

to embark on a seaside journey,

in pursuit of our shared dreams.


Those at the production base are steadfast and bold,

those at the operations center, radiant with intelligence,

The familiar and the new now come together, 

forming a mighty current. 

We are born ordinary but possess extraordinary ambitions.

Honesty, optimism, and altruism are our beliefs, 

granting us the courage to embrace life and the strength to scale its peaks.


Some liken life to a train journey into the unknown, 

with the scenery and passengers along the way being the surprises and miracles of life. 

We cannot predict who we will meet or what will happen, 

but we do not shy away from challenges and difficulties.


Because we are gathered at FLYCDI, 

pooling our wisdom to build dreams together. 

Overcoming mountains and seas,

 admiring clouds and moons, 

we will reach the glorious peak and revel in the view.



Mutually beneficial and supportive, 

the sweat and tears we have shared, 

the days and nights of striving, 

have molded the best versions of ourselves and won our clients' hearts.


The call of youth still blows strong, 

our power, enduring and vast. 


The force of FLYCDI, 

facing the wind and braving the waves, 

exceeds dreams to become a sun that lights tomorrow.


Welcome to join FLYCDI ,our big family. 

Together, let us ride the winds and waves, 

forging ahead to create our chapter of glory!
